SS Storage Silo & Tank

Our SS (Stainless Steel) Storage Silos and Tanks are designed for the safe and efficient storage of liquids, granules, and powders. These high-quality storage solutions are ideal for industries such as food processing, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and more.

Key Features

  • Durable Construction : Made from high-grade stainless steel for long-lasting performance.
  • Corrosion Resistant : Excellent resistance to corrosion, ensuring product purity and integrity.
  • Hygienic Design : Smooth surfaces and sanitary fittings for easy cleaning and maintenance.
  • Versatile Storage : Suitable for a wide range of materials including liquids, powders, and granules.
  • Customizable Design : Available in various sizes and configurations to meet specific storage requirements.

How It Works

SS storage silos and tanks store materials in a vertical or horizontal orientation, depending on the design. They are equipped with features such as top loading and bottom discharge systems, ensuring efficient material flow and ease of use. These storage solutions can be used for both temporary and permanent storage needs.


  • Enhanced Durability : Built to withstand harsh environmental conditions and heavy usage.
  • Operational Efficiency : Efficient loading and unloading mechanisms for smooth material handling.
  • Hygienic Storage : Maintains the purity and quality of stored materials.
  • Space Optimization : Customizable designs to fit specific space requirements.
  • Reduced Maintenance : Low maintenance requirements due to high-quality construction.

Technical Details

Material High-grade stainless steel (SS304, SS316, or custom grades).
Capacity Customizable from 500 liters to 50,000 liters.
Dimensions Various sizes available to meet specific needs.
Loading/Unloading Options Top loading and bottom discharge.
Insulation Optional thermal insulation for temperature-sensitive materials.
Finish Polished or matte finish, depending on application requirements.

Pneucone Heavy Projects


Years Of Experience


Project Completed


ISO 9001:2015 Certified


Customised solutions