Automatic Batching Weighing System

Pneucon Heavy Projects provides advanced automatic batching and weighing systems designed for precise and efficient material handling, batching, and weighing processes in various industries. Our automatic batching weighing systems are equipped with cutting-edge technology and features to ensure accurate material measurements, consistent batch quality, and streamlined production workflows.

Key Features

  • High Precision Weighing : Load cells and sensors with high accuracy and resolution for precise material weighing.
  • Automated Batching : PLC-based control systems with recipe management and automated batching sequences for efficient and error-free operations
  • Material Handling : Conveyors, hoppers, and material feeding systems for seamless material transfer and batching.
  • Customizable Configurations : Modular design allows for flexible configurations to meet specific batching requirements and production volumes.
  • Data Logging and Reporting : Data logging capabilities and reporting features for batch tracking, quality control, and process optimization.
  • Integration with Plant Control Systems : Seamless integration with plant control systems for centralized monitoring, control, and data management.

Advantages of Automatic Batching Weighing Systems

  • Accuracy and Consistency : Precise material weighing and batching ensure consistent batch quality and product performance.
  • Efficiency and Productivity : Automated batching sequences, fast batching speeds, and streamlined workflows improve production efficiency.
  • Quality Control : Real-time monitoring, data logging, and reporting features enable effective quality control and batch traceability
  • Flexibility : Customizable configurations and recipe management allow for flexibility in batching different materials and formulations.
  • Integration : Seamless integration with plant control systems, ERP systems, and data management systems for enhanced productivity and efficiency.

Technical Details

Weighing Capacity Customizable weighing capacities ranging from small-scale to large-scale production requirements.
Material Handling Conveyor systems, pneumatic conveying systems, and material storage solutions.
Control System PLC-based control system with touchscreen interface and recipe management capabilities.
Accuracy High accuracy weighing with load cells and sensors calibrated for precise material measurements.
Batching Speed Adjustable batching speeds and automated batching sequences for efficient production cycles.
Optional Features Material level sensors, moisture sensors, barcode scanning, and integration with ERP systems.

Pneucone Heavy Projects


Years Of Experience


Project Completed


ISO 9001:2015 Certified


Customised solutions