Automatic Bag Palletizer

Our Automatic Bag Palletizers are designed for efficient and precise stacking of bags onto pallets. These machines enhance productivity and safety by automating the palletizing process, making them ideal for various industries including food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and more.

Key Features

  • High Efficiency : Capable of handling a high throughput of bags per hour.
  • Precision Stacking : Ensures accurate and stable stacking of bags on pallets.
  • User-Friendly Interface : Simple control panel for easy operation and monitoring.
  • Robust Construction : Built with durable materials for long-lasting performance
  • Customizable Design : Tailored to meet specific production requirements and layout constraints.

How It Works

The automatic bag palletizer uses a combination of conveyors, robotic arms, and sensors to position and stack bags onto pallets accurately. The system can be programmed to accommodate different palletizing patterns and bag sizes, ensuring flexibility and efficiency.


  • Increased Productivity : Automates the palletizing process, reducing manual labor and increasing throughput.
  • Enhanced Safety : Minimizes manual handling, reducing the risk of injury.
  • Improved Hygiene : Ensures precise and stable stacking, reducing the risk of pallet collapse.
  • Operational Flexibility : Customizable to handle various bag sizes and palletizing patterns.
  • Reduced Labor Costs : Automation reduces the need for manual labor, lowering operational costs.

Technical Details

Capacity Up to 1000 bags per hour.
Bag Size Compatibility Handles various bag sizes and weights.
Pallet Size Compatibility Standard and custom pallet sizes
Power Requirements 220-480V, 3-phase, 50/60Hz.
Control System PLC-based automation with HMI interface.
Construction Material High-grade steel for durability and longevity.

Pneucone Heavy Projects


Years Of Experience


Project Completed


ISO 9001:2015 Certified


Customised solutions